We translate almost anything, printed or handwritten, provided it is legible.

We translate from the Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian, Yiddish, and into Russian, Ukrainian, and Lithuanian.

We accept originals, and high quality photocopies or digital files. We suggest originals are mailed as an exception only and only by registered mail.

Since the biggest problem with the records is their legibility, we request high quality photocopies. Most copiers today have a "Photo" mode, as oppose to "line drawing" one. A high quality photocopy will show paper background. When the background is too light, some elements of handwritten words can be missing as well.

High quality digital files are accepted by email, in small quantities only. Records should be scanned at 300 dpi min. They should be saved as .jpg files of highest quality that your system allows.

Translations are printed and sent by US mail, or e-mailed in .pdf format. They are mailed after payment is received.


Suggestions for making a hard copy from a microfilm, e.g. at a Mormon library.

1. Make a test copy. If you cannot get sufficient contrast between the letters and the background, ask that toner be added.

2. Make a copy of the full page.

3. If your record occupies the entire page, break it into several portions, enlarged to maximum magnification possible. Print each portion separately. Assuming the original image is of vertical layout, and the paper used is 8.5x11", the separate portions can be printed to 11" width (horizontal layout).

4. If "your" record is one of two or three on a page, rules 2 and 3 still apply. It is necessary for a translator to have a full page in case he must decipher strange characters.

5. If a page has a table heading, enlarge all its elements as well, if needed - on a separate page.

Lastly, record a microfilm and a frame number, if one is there, on the back of your copy as well as the year and the type of record, e.g. 1893B. You may discover later that some information is missing because the page was from a multi-page register, and a clerk, or simply entered it as "date as above".

If you have any questions, feel free to write to us

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