ZHYTOMYR , Ukraine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Boris Feldblyum Photography / Collection

                         (also Jitomir, Schitomir, Zhitomir, Zytomierz, Житомир)

                                  Reference page. All photos copyright © Boris Feldblyum or other sources.  All rights reserved


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                                  Thank you to Boris Dubman of Nazareth Illit, Israel, and other landsmen for their invaluable commentaries

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Podol. Photo 1918.




View of the city from the right bank of Teterev river. On the foreground is Little Island (Островок), behind it is Pavlikovka (Павликовка) and the chimney of the old water pumping station. On the right is 3rd Chudnovsky Lane (3-й Чудновский переулок). On the background left is the Holy Cross (Крестовоздвиженская ) Church, on the right is the City Park on Petrovskaya (Петровская) hill. German photo 1941-1943.

View of the Zamkovaya Gora (Замковая гора) from the right bank of Kamenka  (Каменка) river. All buildings destryed during battles in November-December 1943.
German photo 1941-1943.

Old Podolsky bridge (Подольский мост) across Kamenka (Каменка) river; built early 1800's, detroyed 1970's. On the left: Podolskaya Assumption Church (Подольская Успенская церковь); on the right: Holy Cross Church (Крестовоздвиженская церковь). German photo 1941-1943.


Berdichevskaya (i.e. Berdichev) Street.




Berdichevskaya (i.e. Berdichev) Street. Early 1900's.

Business signs read: TRUD fabric store by Ya. Rajtsin (variant Raitzin, Райцин, Iosin (?) and [illegible]; M. Trosman.

Berdichev Street (Б.Бердичевская), view looking West. German photo 1942-1943.

Berdichevskaya (Бердичевская) Street. Military dining room and library. German photo 1941.

Corner of Berdichvskaya and Mikhajlovskaya (Большая Бердичевская и Михайловская).
Rosa Luksemburg Square (Площадь Розы Люксембург) and view at Cathedral Street (Кафедральная)
German troops battling Soviet Army. November-December 1943.


Boulevard. Alexander Pushkin (Пушкин) Monument.  Ca. 1911.

Boulevard. Alexander Pushkin Monument.  Ca. 1911.

Postcard ailed to A. Loskot (Лоскот) in Dubno.

Column of Read Army soldiers, German prisoners of war, lead in the middle of Boulevard. Photo 1941.

Bogunia (Богуния). Military barracks. German photo 1941-1943.

View at Bolshaya Chudnovskaya (Б. Чудновская) Street across Kamenka (Каменка) River. Photo 1950's.

 City jail at Bolshaya Chudnovskaya (Большая Чудновская) Street, modern Chernyakhovsky (Черняховского) Street. German photo 1941-1943.

Chudnovсkaya (Чудновская) Street. Photo ca. 1941.


District Court (Окружной  суд). Architect: Vladimir Bezsmertny (Владимир Безсмертный), 1897. Photo 1910's.

Agricultural College (Сельскохозяйственный институт).
Photo 1963

Gogolevskaya (Гоголевская) Street. Secondary School No. 23. Photo 1963.



1st Gymnasium.



Kievskaya (Киевская) Street, No. 58. Photo 1963.

View of Kievskaya Street near Hotel Anglia. Photo 1900.

Publisher: O. A. Ejlenbereg (variant: Eilenberg) in Zhitomir.

Sent as postcard by E. Botwin (variant: Botvin) to Morisset in Mayenne, France.

View of Kievskaya Street near Hotel Anglia. Photo 1900.

Note: artwork presented as street view only.


View of Kievskaya Street near Mikhajlovskaya (Михайловская), looking East. Business signs read: Barber Shop (Парикмахерская); G. Lerman(Г. Лерман). Photo early 1900's.


Kievskaya (i.e. Kiev) Street







Governor's Mansion.


Public Library. 1910's


Mikhajlovskaya (Михайловская) Street.

Mikhajlovskaya (Михайловская) Street. Photo 1945.

Mikhajlovskaya (Михайловская) Street in front of the cinema. The building is decorated with portraits of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev and two others. Photo 1950's.

Mikhajlovskaya (Михайловская) Street. May 1. 1957.


Parochial School.


Parochial Seminary.


Railroad station.

German photo 1941-1943.

View at Sholom-Aleikhem (Шолом-Алейхема, also Vozdvizhenskaya (Воздвиженская) Street and Holy Cross (Кресто-Воздвиженская) Church. German watercolor, 1942.


Sobornaya (Соборная), i.e. Cathedral Square.

Sobornaya (i.e. Cathedral) Square. Ca. 1898

Publisher: O. A. Ejlenberg (variant: Eilenberg).

Mailed as postcard to T. I. Gimiller in VIlna, Billevich's house.





Business signs read: L. G. Bregman; Fabric Store, owners ...olsky and Ya. G...; L. B. Kantor's Store.



Cathedral. 1890's.

Publisher: A. A. Zakatov


Battle on Sobornaya square, corner of Kievskaya Street. German photo 1941.


Battle on Sobornaya square, corner of Kievskaya Street. World War II. German photo 1941.

Cathedral Square in the early days of the Nazi occupation. July, 1941.

Sobornaya (Соборная) Square, corner of Kievskaya (Киевская) Street.

V. I. Lenin's monument, destroyed by the Germans. Photo July 1941.

Cathedral Square scene. Peaceful coexistence of the Nazis and the locals. "Soldaten-Kino" banner graces the base of the Lenin's monument. Photo ca. 1941.

Cathedral in the early days of the Nazi occupation. July, 1941.

View at the city from the belfry of the cathedral. July 1941.

German car at the Cathedral. Photo 1941-1943.

German photo. August 1941.
Caption on verso reads: "I often rode my bike down this street when I went to get food."

Interior of a ruined church, possibly The Cathedral. German photo 1941-1943.

Victory Square. 1966.

Photographer: I. Kropivnytsky.

Wood carving. Late 19th century.
German photo 1941-1943.




Water pumping station.

Autumobile repair shop. Unidentified location. Photo 1941-1943.

City park. Gazebo. Photo 1966.

Photo 1963



German aerial reconnaissance photo. 1944.



Teterev River.


Water mill (Водяная мельница). Photo ca. 1906.

Sent as postcard by V. Kandyba (В. Кандыба) to E. Blancard in Algiers).

Boardwalk. Photo ca. 1907.

Sent as postcard by V. Kandyba (В. Кандыба) to E. Blancard in Algiers).

Teterev River. German photo 1941-1943.

Photo ca. 1917.

Photo 1918.



Berdichev Highway.

Berdichev Bridge (Бердичевский мост) across Teterev River, along Berdichev Highway (шоссе Житомир-Бердичев). German photo 1941-1943

Brovar farm (хутор Бровар) on the right bank of Teterev.
German photo 1941-1943.
unidentified locations        

Read Army soldiers, German prisoners of war. 1941.

Read Army soldiers, German prisoners of war. 1941.

German soldier fraternizing with local Ukrainians. Photo 1941-1943.

German soldiers. 1941-1943.

Bolshaya Berdichevskaya (Большая Бердичевская) Street near Teatralnaya (Театральная) Street intersection.
German photo 1941.

Possibly beginning of Bolshaya Berdichevskaya (Большая Бердичевская).
German photo 1941.




School 23, class 10B. Graduation photo , 1941.

3) Volfenzon I.M., 9) Dontsis E.A.; Gantman, Sophia Markovna; 15) Spolianskaya, Etl, 16) Gammer, Mark; 17) Zaidvark; 18) Markman; 19) Shapiro; 20) Rosenfeld, Izia; 21) Katz, Sonia; 26) Feldblyum, Ilya (Idel); 28) Tsizina, Roza; 29) Bondar, Yakov; 30) Shliapochnik; 31) Derbaremdiker, Dina; 33) Reitman, Iona; 34) Kripitser; 38) Diner, Genia; 39) Filer, Grisha; 40) Barskaya; 41) Kolach; 42) Korytnaya; 43) Khiterer, Misha; 44) Rosenberg, Liuba; 45) Ocheret, Zina.

School No. 14, 7th grade. Photo 1946.

Люся Винокур (also Vinokur, Winokur), Ася Вайнштейн (also Vajnshtejn, Wajnsztejn, Weinstein), Маня Смоляр (also Smolyar), Галя Шпильберг (Shpilberg, Spilberg, Szpilberg), Люся Ломко (Lomko), Свирская (Svirsky, Swirski), Ф. Розенблат (Rozenblat, Rosenblatt), Циля Винокур, Ева Кесельман (Keselman), Закс (Zaks), Ж. Палех (Palekh), Ида Бронфман (Bronfman), Женя Калинина (Kalinin), Дуся, Рудя Фикс (Fiks, Fyks), Керенская (Kerensky), Гая Павлович (Pavlovich, Pawlowitsch), Мария Грогорьевна, Мария Осиповна, Е, Яворская (Yavorsky, Yaworski), Киселева (Kisilev), Евгения Романовна, Софья Марковна, Иосиф Григорьевич, Инна Хлебникова (Khlebnikov), Мара Спектор (Spektor), Етя Файнгольд (Fajngold, Feingold).

Evgeny Mitelman (Евгений Мительман), unidentified woman, Ilya Feldblyum (Илья Фельдблюм). 1948.

Postcard from Dr. L. Sirota (variants: Serota, Сирота) to Fritz Schuberz in Leipzig. Document 1925.

Postcard sent from Kiev to Ya. Tojbis (variants Toibis, Toybis, Тойбис). Signed by Borukh. Document 1926.

Postcard sent to Hesch Polak (variant: Поляк) in Berlin. Document 1913.

Postcard sent to Hesch Polak (variant: Поляк) in Berlin. Document 1912.

Postcard sent by O. Zlatsen (variants: Zlacen, Злацен) in Leningrad to A. Zlatsen. Document 1928.

Anna Liberman (Либерман)- Naum Gorbulev (Горбулев) engagement announcement. Document 1910.

Anna Liberman (Либерман)- Naum Gorbulev (Горбулев) wedding invitation. Document 1911.
    Letter (envelope) sent tfrom N. Ratner (variant Ратнер) to E. Kosovskij (variants Kosovksy, Kosowski, Косовский) in Mannheim, Germany. Document 1906.

More un-catalogued images and documents:

- Rakhil Zhukhovetsky calling card. 1910s.